CACML 2025 Speakers

Keynote Speaker I

Prof. Qiu Daowen, Sun Yat-sen University, China


My main research outcomes have been in the following areas. (1) Quantum models of computation. (2) Quantum query algorithms. (3) Quantum cryptograpy and quantum communication. (4) Quantum states distinguishablility and quantum states cloning. (5) Theory of computation based on quantum and lattice-valued logic. (5) The applications of fuzzy and probabilistic automata to discrete event systems, focusing on diagnosability and supervisory control.


We have published over 130 papers in peer-review journals, and over 25 conferences papers. More specifically, (1) we have systematically studied a number of different QFA (quantum finite automata) models, and solved the decidability of equivalence and minimization of these QFA models (D. Qiu, L. Li, X. Zou, P. Mateus, J. Gruska, Acta Informatica, 2011, 48 (5-6): 271-290; P. Mateus, D. Qiu, L. Li, Information and Computation, 2012, 218: 36-53;L. Li, D. Qiu, Theoretical Computer Science, 2008, 403(1): 42-51).  Therefore, we have answered the problems of how to decide the equivalence of quantum sequential machines proposed by Professor Gudder, and how to decide the equivalence of MM-1QFA proposed by Professor Gruska. In particular, we have answered the problems of how to minimize QFAs proposed by Moore and Crutchfield. We proposed a model of quantum-classical finite automata, named as one-way quantum finite automata together with classical states (D. Qiu, L. Li, P. Mateus, A. Sernadas, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2015, 81(2): 359-375). Also, we have studied some properties of 2QFAC, quantum pushdown automata, and quantum Turing machines. (2) We have proved the characterization of all Boolean functions that can be solved by quantum 1-query algorithm. (3) We have studied quantum states discrimination and quantum cloning machines, and we have derived some bounds on unambiguous discrimination and minimum-error discrimination (some bounds are optimal to a certain extent), and some relationships between unambiguous discrimination and minimum-error discrimination have been clarified. Also, we have established a generic machine model of probabilistic cloning and deleting, and proposed a universal probabilistic deleting machine. (4) We have studied quantum teleportation and superdence coding based on different entangled states (W-states). (5) We have studied semi-quantum cryptography and proved that a semi-quantum key distribution protocol is unconditional security. (6) We have discovered some essential connections between quantum logic and models of computation, and we have established residuated lattice-valued automata theory (D.  Qiu, Information and Computation, 2004, 190(2): 179-195). (6) We have established a fundamental framework of the supervisory control for fuzzy discrete event systems (FDES) and developed the supervisory control of probabilistic discrete event systems (PDES), using fuzzy automta and probabilistic automata, respectively. 




Keynote Speaker II

Chair Prof. KWONG Tak Wu, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (IEEE Fellow)

Sam Kwong received his B.Sc. degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo, M.A.Sc. in electrical engineering from the University of Waterloo in Canada, and Ph.D. from Fernuniversität Hagen, Germany. Before joining the City University of Hong Kong (CityU), he was a Diagnostic Engineer with Control Data Canada. He was responsible for designing diagnostic software to detect the manufacturing faults of the VLSI chips in the Cyber 430 machine. He later joined Bell-Northern Research as a Member of the Scientific Staff working on the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) project.

Kwong is currently Chair Professor at the CityU Department of Computer Science, where he previously served as Department Head and Professor from 2012 to 2018. Prof Kwong joined CityU as a Department of Electronic Engineering lecturer in 1989. Prof. Kwong is the associate editor of leading IEEE transaction journals, including IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, and IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. Kwong is actively engaged in knowledge exchange between academia and industry. In 1996, he was responsible for designing the first handheld GSM mobile phone consultancy project at the City University of Hong Kong, one of the largest. He has filed over 20 US patents, of which 17 have been granted.


Kwong has a prolific research record. He has co-authored three research books, eight book chapters, and over 300 technical papers. According to Google Scholar, his works have been cited more than 27,000 times with an h-index of 73. He has been the distinguished lecturer of IEEE SMCS since 2018 and delivers two DL lectures yearly to promote IEEE SMC Society and cutting-edge cybernetics technology. He also frequently delivers keynote speeches in IEEE supported conferences. In 2014, he was elevated to IEEE Fellow for his contributions to optimization techniques in cybernetics and video coding.


Kwong’s involvement in the multiple facets of IEEE has been extensive and committed throughout the years. For IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society (SMCS), he serves as Hong Kong SMCS Chapter Chairman, Board Member, Conference Coordinator, Membership Coordinator and Member of the Long Range Planning and Finance Committee, Vice President of Conferences and Meetings, Vice President of Cybernetics. He led the IEEE SMC Hong Kong Chapter to win the Best Chapter Award in 2011 and was awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award for his contributions to SMC 2015. He was the President-Elect of the IEEE SMC Society in 2021. Currently, he serves as the President of the IEEE SMC Society. He is an IEEE fellow and listed as a Highly cited researcher according to Clarivate 2022 highly cited researcher report.



Keynote Speaker III

Prof. Li Qing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (IEEE Fellow)

Qing Li is currently a Chair Professor (Data Science) and the Head of the Department of Computing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Formerly, he was the founding Director of the Multimedia software Engineering Research Centre (MERC), and a Professor at City University of Hong Kong where he worked in the Department of Computer Science from 1998 to 2018. Prior to these, he has also taught at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the Australian National University (Canberra, Australia). Prof. Li served as a consultant to Microsoft Research Asia (Beijing, China), Motorola Global Computing and Telecommunications Division (Tianjin Regional Operations Center), and the Division of Information Technology, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) in Australia. He has been an Adjunct Professor of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) and the Wuhan University, and a Guest Professor of the Hunan University (Changsha, China) where he got his BEng. degree from the Department of Computer Science in 1982. He is also a Guest Professor (Software Technology) of the Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China) -- the leading university of the Zhejiang province where he was born.


Prof. Li has been actively involved in the research community by serving as an associate editor and reviewer for technical journals, and as an organizer/co-organizer of numerous international conferences. Some recent conferences in which he is playing or has played major roles include APWeb-WAIM'18, ICDM 2018, WISE2017, ICDSC2016, DASFAA2015, U-Media2014, ER2013, RecSys2013, NDBC2012, ICMR2012, CoopIS2011, WAIM2010, DASFAA2010, APWeb-WAIM'09, ER'08, WISE'07, ICWL'06, HSI'05, WAIM'04, IDEAS'03,VLDB'02, PAKDD'01, IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Database Semantics (DS-9), IDS'00, and WISE'00. In addition, he served as a programme committee member for over fifty international conferences (including VLDB, ICDE, WWW, DASFAA, ER, CIKM, CAiSE, CoopIS, and FODO). He is currently a Fellow of IEEE and IET/IEE, a member of ACM-SIGMOD and IEEE Technical Committee on Data Engineering. He is the chairperson of the Hong Kong Web Society, and also served/is serving as an executive committee (EXCO) member of IEEE-Hong Kong Computer Chapter and ACM Hong Kong Chapter. In addition, he serves as a councilor of the Database Society of Chinese Computer Federation (CCF), a member of the Big Data Expert Committee of CCF, and is a Steering Committee member of DASFAA, ER, ICWL, UMEDIA, and WISE Society.



Keynote Speaker IV

Prof. Yuhui Shi, Southern University of Science and Technology, China (IEEE Fellow)

Prof. Yuhui Shi is an expert in the field of computational intelligence and the developer of the brain storm optimization (BSO) algorithm. He is also a fellow of IEEE for his contributions to particle swarm optimization algorithms. Prof. Yuhui Shi received his Ph.D. from Southeast University in 1992. After that, he did research in the United States, South Korea, Australia, and other places. He has published many ground-breaking papers with Russell Eberhart and James Kenney, the developer of the particle swarm optimization algorithm, and co-authored the books on Swarm Intelligence and Computational Intelligence: Concepts to Implementations.



Keynote Speaker V

Prof. Jixin Ma, University of Greenwich, UK

Jixin Ma is a Professor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) and Director of PhD/MPhil Programme at the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Science, University of Greenwich. He has also been the Director of the Centre for Computer and Computational Science (2011-18) and Leader of Artificial Intelligence Research Group (2008–2018). His main research areas include Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Information Systems, with special interests in Temporal Representation and Reasoning, Information Security, Machine Learning and Case-Based Reasoning.


He has published 200+ research papers in top-tier journals including Information Fusion, Information Sciences, IEEE IoT, IEEE Trans on Cloud Computing, IEEE Access, Neural Computing and Applications, Information Systems, Neurocomputing, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, the Computer Journal, Applied Ontology, Artificial Intelligence Review, etc., and at esteemed international conferences such as AAAI, IJCAI and ECAI, etc. He has won 6 Best Papers / Student Paper awards and as Principal / Co-Investigator, received research grants worth more than £330,000. He obtained his BSc and MSc of Mathematics in 1982 and 1988, respectively, and PhD of Computer Sciences in 1994. Before his professorship appointment, he was a Reader (2007-2019), Senior Lecturer (1997-2006), and Research Fellow and Lecture (1994 – 1996), at University of Greenwich, U.K. He is also a Visiting Professor at Beijing Normal University, Anhui University, Hainan University, Zhengzhou Light Industrial University and Macau City University.



Keynote Speaker VI

Prof. Yoshifumi Manabe, Kogakuin University, Japan

Yoshifumi Manabe was born in 1960. He received his B.E., M.E., and Dr.E. degrees from Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, in 1983, 1985, and 1993, respectively. From 1985 to 2013, he worked for Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. From 2001 to 2013, he was a guest associate professor of Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University. Since 2013, he has been a professor of the Faculty of Informatics, Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan. His research interests include distributed algorithms, cryptography, game theory, and graph theory. Dr. Manabe is a member of ACM, IEEE, IEICE, IPSJ, and JSIAM.